From Xs and Os to Ones and Zeros...
and everything in between.
We are continuously striving to answer all questions and inquiries related to our products. Below are some frequently asked questions regarding DigitalPlaybook. For additional questions not answered below, don't hesistate to get in touch.
How does DigitalPlaybook work?
The DigitalPlaybook™ tablet application was developed for iPad as a one-stop solution for sports teams to use as a digital replacement for existing print-based playbooks. Load playbooks on a secure server, sync our Enterprise-level app and begin accessing interactive playbook content. Add, delete and manage users. Interact with players and assistant coaches, study existing playbooks, draw or email new playbook schemes and organize events and rosters. View some of DigitalPlaybook's features
But how is this different than other sports apps?
DigitalPlaybook™ was conceptualized out of the need for sports teams at both the professional and collegiate level to interact and compete in a new way. The digital medium has changed. Our daily activities and online experiences have evolved. DigitalPlaybook™ serves as a unique product/service offering through which our team of designers, developers (and sports fans) work with teams' marketing & IT departments to upgrade their current marketing initiatives to a remotely-hosted digital platform.
What makes DigitalPlaybook unique?
Unlike other sports iPad apps currently on the market, DigitalPlaybook™ was developed for coaches and players of professional sports franchises to better serve sports teams in their business and marketing efforts. A cost-effective and green solution, the DigitalPlaybook App for the iPad combines multiple apps into one suite, consolidating a team's activities and daily tasks into one location.
Licensing & Pricing
What are pricing options for DigitalPlaybook?
Pricing packages for DigitalPlaybook™ are customized for individual sports teams. Depending on the interactive features a team chooses in addition to the core functionality, we will develop a comprehensive proposal detailing your individual needs for licensing. Teams can license DigitalPlaybook™ on a yearly basis, which includes a full season and off-season training.
How does your licensing work?
We curently offer two product suites, DigitalPlaybook Pro, designed and customized to meet the proprietary needs of professional sports franchises, and DigitalPlaybook Edu, packaged and priced for universities, colleges and high schools. DigitalPlaybook licensing for both professional and education are subscription-based with an additional per-seat fee for each app distributed.
Can I purchase your App outside of the U.S.?
No. We are currently working on developing an international package for sports teams outside of the U.S.. Due to certain restrictions with regards to B2B Volume distribution of our iPad & iPhone apps, we can only license single versions of DigitalPlaybook to a total of (5) coaches & players per sports club.
I am interested in reselling DigitalPlaybook to other teams. How do I become a DigitalPlaybook reseller?
We like the way you think, but...currently we don't have a reseller program but are always interested in discussing new business opportunities. Let's talk.
What sports do you currently support?
We currently serve professional and collegiate teams in the following sports: Football, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Hockey and Lacrosse. DigitalPlaybook also works with other sports looking to take their teams playbooks and game plans to a digital medium. Contact us if you have a sport in mind. Can someone say "rugby?"
Client Roster
What teams are currently using your App?
Because of the competitive nature of sports teams, we aren't in the position to share the list of teams using our product suite but we are working on client testimonials and will be posting a partial team list and logos in the near future.
Without knowing who is using your App, why should I sign on with Digital Playbooks "blindly"?
We are constantly working on our product suite and even as we speak, our team is "in the lab" updating current features and developing new iOS5-compatible features. Even though we can't fully share our client roster, we can say that they are spread out across the country and include several high profile sports franchises and D1 and D2 athletic programs. Several coaches are part of our inaugural "pilot program" and have been an integral part of our development process, providing valuable feedback and suggestions for improving our App. Still not sure if DigitalPlaybook is right for your team? Contact us to talk to a real human.
Product Features & Updates
What features are included in your "core" package?
DigitalPlaybook includes two core features that we consider part of our base package:
- Our "Locker Room" complete with our Playbook Reader/Annotator
- The Interactive Whiteboard, complete with PlayingField™, our drawing tool with sports-specific backdrops
What upgrades do you offer?
In addition to the base features, Digital Playbooks offers several interactive modules, some of which are in current development "in the lab" *:
- Team Roster
- Photo Gallery
- Video Library
- Training Stopwatch
- News Feeds *
- Team Schedule *
- Dynamic Stats *
Are updates included in the initial purchase?
All minor version updates to existing features are included for the duration of a team's licensing agreement. Custom-developed functions and major interactive features are considered add-on features.
Advertising Opportunities
I would like to advertise on your website. Who do I contact to cross-market our brands?
We are happy to share that our website receives a substantial number of unique visitors on a daily basis, both from higher education and the Pros. If you have a product, service or brand that you feel is a good fit with our online brand, contact us to discuss the opportunity.
We currently don't allow third-party advertising on our corporate website but are in talks with retail and luxury brands to develop an advertising program on our web services component. Because DigitalPlaybooks is a self-sustained and fee-based product suite, we tend to like keeping our user interface ad-free, ensuring the best experience for our coaches and players.
Technical Support & Troubleshooting
For technical support and troubleshooting, please contact us directly for assistance. 1-888-614-4474. A full FAQ list will be posted soon to address common issues.
Platform Compatibility
Your website promotes iPad quite a bit. Is DigitalPlaybook available for Android or Blackberry's PlayBook?
We are currently developing The Digital Playbook App for the iPad and iPhone. Contact us to learn more. We can also put you in touch with a regional Apple Sales rep to learn more about purchasing or leasing iPads for your team.